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Gardening is a very peaceful and rewarding, maybe an expensive hobby. If you know the right approach, your garden can be lovely and decorated with little money. Here are some budget-friendly gardening hacks for every season.

Spring: Time to Start Fresh

Spring is the right time to start your gardening journey. It is indeed the season of new growth, thus making it a perfect moment to plant.

  1. Planting Seeds

Mature plants cost more money to buy. Therefore, buying plants from seeds is very cheap. It is because the price for the seeds is very cheap and at the same time, you can grow many varieties. You can even buy them in large quantities and put them in storage for future use.

  1. Use Recycled Containers for Planting

Instead of purchasing pots, you can use recycled containers such as old cans, bottles, or even yogurt cups. All you need to do is punch a few holes at the bottom for drainage, and you are ready to go.

  1. Make Your Compost

Composting is one of the good ways to feed your plants. Instead of using expensive fertilisers, you could self-procure them through composting. Collect kitchen waste like peels and rinds, chopped grass, and dried leaves. Over time, they decompose to produce nutrient-rich compost.

Summer: Keep Your Plants Thriving

Summer is challenging because the plant faces full sunshine, although this season is when the plants bloom.

  1. Water Your Plants Wisely

During summer, because plants require more water, overwatering and subsequent waste of even more water, as well as money, are brought about. Therefore, it would be advisable to water your plants early in the morning or late at night to prevent evaporation. Collect your rainwater for use in your garden.

  1. Mulch to Retain Moisture

Mulching is an excellent way of retaining moisture in the soil. Mulch should be spread on your plants. Furthermore, it helps in deterring weeds and keeping your plants healthy. The most common form of mulch is straw; however, grass clippings, shredded newspaper, and so on, can also get the job done.

  1. Swap Plants with Friends

If you want to add new plants, you can exchange them with friends. The process of replacing and acquiring new varieties through the exchange of plants or cuttings is free of cost. Additionally, you can also swap gardening tools and seeds.

Autumn: Prepare for the Cold

When autumn approaches, get ready to prepare the garden for winter. Many plants will slow down during this season, but it certainly does not mean there’s less to do.

  1. Collect seeds for the next season

In autumn, most plants go to seed. If you can collect them, it will save money the next spring when using them. You can also use them next year by keeping them in a cool, dry place. That is the best way of increasing your garden without buying more seeds.

  1. Create a Leaf Pile

These leaves can be a great mulch or compost. Rather than throw them away, rake them up into a pile and let them decompose over time. Eventually, they will break down and provide nutrients for your garden. This trick will save you money and keep you healthy in the garden as well.

  1. Buy End-of-Season Plants

In Autumn, most garden centres run end-of-season sales on plants. Take advantage of buying end-of-season plants. They may appear wilted now but should bounce back in the spring. Additionally, plant nursery in Indore generally have fantastic deals during this time of the year.

Winter: Protect and Plan Ahead

Winter is the time for the slowing down of gardens, but it is also a season where the owner should prepare for better days ahead.

  1. Keep your plants insulated

Insulation may warm up your plants. Use blankets, old sheets, or even newspapers to protect plants during the night. Once more, clustering plants together warms them up a bit.

  1. Use Indoor Plants

Winter is a great time to bring greenery indoors, and if one wants low-cost indoor plants, an online plant nursery in Indore would be the best option. Many indoor plants do well in minimal sunlight and are rather easy to maintain. They even help purify the air, making your home pleasant.

  1. Plan Next Year’s Garden

Winter is a good time to plan for the next gardening season. Write down the types of plants you want to cultivate, indoors as well as outdoors. Surf through as many options as you can get hold of at an online indoor plants in indore. Do similar planning related to your garden design, if needed, to spend your money over the same period.

Year-Round Hacks for a Healthy Garden

While each season has certain tasks, some hacks are worth doing all the year-round.

  1. Use Household Items for Fertilizer

There are many household objects which may be used as fertilisers. For example, eggshells contain calcium, coffee grounds contain nitrogen, and banana peels contain potassium for your plants. So rather than spending money on commercial fertilisers, use what you already have.

  1. Grow Your Own Herbs

Herbs are also very easy to plant and can be very helpful in the kitchen. They can be placed in tiny pots either indoors or outside. Additionally, they do not consume much space and maintenance. Not only will you save money, but you will have fresh herbs readily available.

  1. Use Plants for Home Decor

Plants can be used for multiple purposes. They beautify your garden while also enhancing your home’s interior. This is why you need to invest in plants for home decor in Indore. They add life to your living space and improve air quality.


Gardening does not have to cost a thing. Some creativity and planning will surely give you a beautiful garden without breaking the bank. You can recycle materials, swap plants, and plan for each season. Be it herbs or using plants to beautify your home in Indore; budget-friendly hacks are very welcome to help create a thriving garden year-round.

With all these tips, you will enjoy the fruits of your garden without incurring most of the costs. Happy gardening!

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