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Potting plants is among the most important skills every gardener should learn. Whether you are a seasoned plant grower or a novice gardener, there is no better way to maintain your plants’ health and strength than by proper potting. Potting using homemade steps is easy and can be accomplished at home with basic tools. Here is a step-by-step guide to enable you to pot your plants the correct way so that they grow strong.

Choosing the Right Pot

The first thing to do when putting your plants in a pot is choose an appropriate pot. The material and size of the pot vary based on plant and root system type. A small pot will inhibit a plant’s growth, while an excessively large pot will drown the roots by overwatering.

However, the material of the pot is important. Terra cotta pots are best for plants that need good drainage, but plastic pots are water-holding. Select a pot according to your plant’s need.

Add Drainage Holes

The drainage is very significant to the well-being of your plant. Otherwise, water would simply be trapped in the pot and lead to rotting of roots. Take a look at your pot and see if there are drainage holes or not. If not, just poke holes in the pot.

When the issue is that plants need to have good drainage, your best choice is to take advantage of pots from an online Indore plant nursery. They tend to be made to let healthy root development by having excess water drain off.

Select Good Soil

The proper soil blend is very vital to the well-being of plants. All plants need something unique. For example, cacti and succulents love drainage in well-draining blends, whereas ferns love moisture-retentive blends. Select the proper soil blend for your species of plant.

Besides, you can also buy specialty soils at a plant nursery in Indore. In case you are looking for potting soil for plants to be used either indoors or outdoors, these nurseries have different soils that you can use depending on your requirements.

Planting the Seed or Seedling

Now that your pot is ready, it’s time to plant. Start by filling the bottom of the pot with a drainage layer of soil. This will act as the foundation for the roots of the plant and the drainage layer. Add your seed or seedling to the pot and fill with soil.

Moreover, ensure that there is a small space at the top of the pot so that when watering, the soil does not overflow. Firmly press soil around the plant to hold it in place. If you have season plants, ensure you include special care instructions for them so that they can grow all year round.

Watering Your Plants

Watering is also required in plant maintenance. Water your plant thoroughly after planting. Do not overwater it, though. Water depends on the type of plant and weather.

For instance, house plants will be watered less than plants that are outside. Be aware of the season too. In sunny weather, seasonal plants in Indore flowers will require more water. Check the soil from time to time to see if it is too wet or dry.

Fertilizing and Giving Proper Care

Plants need to be fed with nutrients if they are going to grow strong and healthy. Daily fertilizing of your plants is the key to their success. Use a balanced fertilizer for your type of plant. But do not over-fertilize, for this will kill the roots.

Therefore, ensure to place your plants at a good spot where they receive the right amount of sun. Indoor plants like bright indirect light, whereas outdoor plants may require more direct sun.

For those purchased from an indoor outdoor plants nursery in Indoreacclimatize them to the new environment. Acclimatize them to the sun slowly to avoid shock.

Repotting When Necessary

As your plants grow, they can become too big for their pots. This is when it is time to repot. Repotting gives the plant the ability to grow more without being held back by its roots. Select a pot 1-2 inches bigger than its current one.

Take care not to touch the roots excessively when repotting. Fill the pot with new soil and place the plant in it. Repotting makes your plants healthy and contented.


Potting the plants is a satisfying work. With quality pot, soil, and water, you are giving your plants the best environment for growth. If you are located in Indore, it is very easy to get quality inputs from an online plant nursery in Indore or even directly go to a plant nursery in Indore to take proper advice.

Don’t ever forget patience is what makes plants grow. Your plants will be healthy and strong under good care, and your garden or home will be more lovely and colorful with them. So sit back, take a deep breath, and let your plants grow. Enjoy potting!

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